Aug 9, 2023Liked by Jessica Wildfire

I've had my own website on Ghost for years (can't pretend I'm an expert, in fact I'm probably going to hire an expert to help modernize it) and really like it. Thought for a long time about leaving it behind for Medium or Substack but then writers I admire like you and others would explain all the reasons not to be on someone else's content platform. I think you're making the right choice, even if Ghost is more work.

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Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023Author

I've discovering all the advantages to having your own site. Loving Ghost so far. I tried WordPress first; now *that* platform feels like a ton of work.

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All this moving around, I would like you to choose a site where the editor is more user friendly for commenters.

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Definitely. I co-wrote on a WordPress site for a few years and all the stuff and moving parts and pieces drove me to distraction. That's why I went with Ghost when I had my own site. They've made so many improvements over the last couple of years.

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Hi Robert. I've been migrating sites to Ghost now for a few months and have gotten the hang of it quite nicely. Reach out if need some help.

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Thomas, if you're still *out there,* let me know—would love to talk about Ghost. I have a functioning site but I'm trying to decide if it needs work, and what kind of work it needs. Thanks! —Rob

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I'm still around! What's your URL?

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Hi, my site is https://www.museumhuman.com/

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Cool. I see it's Ghost powered! Are you self hosting or is it hosted via Ghost.org?

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Hi, sorry if that wasn't clear from my first reply to JW above. It's hosted by Ghost. You can email me at rob@museumhuman.com if it's easier to continue off this thread.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Jessica Wildfire

I’m cool with migrating. Do we need to do anything special with our paid subscription ? Do we have to remove it from substack and associate it with the new platform?

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Nope, it should do all of that automatically since they both interface with Stripe.

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hi, mine doesn't seem to have transferred my paid subscription. any idea how to fix that?

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I tried Ghost many months ago, and in the end I decided to go for Substack, but there are 3 things I would like Substack to have that Ghost has:

1- Human support. Substack relies almost 99% on a bot (except for Substack VIPs), and although the bot says they pass the issue on to a human support team, it can take months for them to reply, if they reply at all. On Ghost, in my experience, a human answers, fast.

2-In substack, the posts are in /p/, and in Ghost they are not. So if we migrate from a blog to substack, all internal and external links to our new Substack will not work. Goodbye, SEO.

3- In substack, posts have limited urls, and not in Ghost. Therefore, if we migrate from a blog to substack, all internal and external links (which are somewhat long) to our new Substack would not work. Goodbye, SEO.

Note that I haven't talked about the economic issue, which is something that seems to worry quite a few people. I simply think they are two different business models. Nor that Substack is a proprietary system, and therefore more closed. Ghost is open source SaaS.

It seems to me that Ghost doesn't put non-follow links, Substack does, at least at first.

Despite all that, I'm on Substack (for example in <a href="https://dempresa.substack.com/">Derecho empresarial</a>, <a href="https://emprender.substack.com/">Emprender</a>, <a href="https://carreras.substack.com/">Carreras</a>, <a href="https://liderar.substack.com/">Liderazgo</a> ) because:

There are some things it does very well, like Notes.

I hope it fixes those flaws (the blogosphere is still huge, and someday they'll realise that it's worth migrating bloggers, not just twitterers).

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I have not seen or heard from Jessica either

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No reply

It seems complicated

I’d like to receive emails as regular as you post

I did a paid subscribe but??

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I want to still receive your emails

I have not seen any in a while ??

Where can I find your posting essays ? Thanks Carol A

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I have not received any postings since the end of January.

Did something happen?


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I cancelled my Substack subscription for you starting next month and subscribed on your new platform. I do not want to be double charged if you migrate over my Substack subscription.

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It seems really simple so far, like it's working well! What made you decide to move? Was it mostly for the digest and previews?

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Yes, working great so far. I think the features were the deciding factor, plus needing Twitter (as much as I hate to admit it).

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Sounds great, Jessica. Yours is the only non-personal email I enjoy receiving in my inbox and I always read it. Thank you for your work!

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YES. I look forward to the emails, and that's saying something!

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Awesome, starting the migration in a few minutes!

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Which platform can I find you on Jess? I've really missed your writing!

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Whats the new link?

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I’ve lost contact with your posts because of platform changes. The Mandela you were constructing in consciousness is now sand in the wind as impermanence entropy.

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I subscribe to your substack, happily. Substack shows that I have a paid membership. But when I click on stories in your emails, it says I need to subscribe to read 'em. I log out and log back in to no avail. Grateful for guidance and — despite all — happy holidays. Thank you.

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I'm fine with it as long as it's a seamless transition.

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I really admire and enjoy your work and will follow you to any platform you land on. Good luck.

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Hi! Not sure if you still check here, but it looks like the "contact support" link at your new site directs to "noreply@okdoomer.io". Emails to support appear to be bouncing - not sure how else to contact to resolve an account issue. Sorry to trouble you!

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I have just joined your substack and initially there were three recommended other substacks. Unfortunately I looked at one and can't get back to the others

Would it be possible to email your recommended sites to melvyn.buckton@gmail.com please?

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Umair Haque has his own site, and now you too? It's getting a bit complicated and becoming a bit pricey too. Medium could win the bet if you all do your own thing separately. Just a thought. 😉

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Love it. I really hope it does well, Jessica. Ghost wasn’t great for me but I also was trying to do that in addition to other platforms, not as a replacement. I subscribed already and will be getting your emails when you send them. Let me know if you want more work from me. 😎

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Tell me how it is, okay? I keep hearing about Ghost.

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I didn't see this, and just joined on the Substack. Will that convert to Ghost?

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My paid subscription has not migrated to the new site. Yesterday got a message on an article I needed to be a paying subscriber to continue.

I purchased an annual subscription here on July 29; perhaps it got missed in the transfer since it was so new? If so, could it be transferred this week sometime? Thanks!

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When I register on your new site, no registration/confirmation email arrives.

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This is all so perplexing to me. I am grateful that you understand it and are able to utilize it in order to stay in touch with all of us. I am so grateful for your bright, compassionate mind.

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Thank you! I don’t want to miss any of your articles and it was easy to transfer my subscription.

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As long as I am able to see all the posts I should being a paid subber from Substack, I'm happy with wherever you want to post. :) I just don't want to miss anything. You're a gem.

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I subscribed through medium. I’m a bit confused as to how it’s all put together. It appears I also am able to comment through Substack. Befor membership I could not, I believe. Simply, I’m ok with however it works best for you. I’d just like to know how to find the new posts, I imagine a email alert to a new post and link.

Have to mention your themes and voice really express what has been needing to be said for several decades. So glad you’re writing and people are listening. I’m enjoying your writing and sharing the angst.

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Totally agree with relating to the themes of voice of Jessica's writing. Do we need to adapt the phrase "a problem shared is a problem halved" to make it "an angst shared is an angst halved?" Just knowing there are others who feel a similar way about the world- and are doing what they can to change course- makes such a big difference.

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Thanks. Yes. People seem to be so silent these days. It’s like everyone is hiding from each other and yet hearts and minds spill out in words as in Substack. And yes, it lifts a weight from me to know I’m not trying to emotionally lift the whole world. Just my end.

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Not important but I was just trying to figure out what ".ghost" was all about in the new URL. I know stupid, but now I know about ghost the blogging software platform, thanks.

Yeah, rolling your own website acquires some okay autocratic features as long as ghost doesn't change it's terms of service unexpectedly. The Ghost wikipedia page looks pretty solid, didn't even know it existed. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_(blogging_platform) )

About the only thing that could injure the ghost clients is if our government in its infinite wisdom decides to weaken free speech rules on the internet like weakening section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, which could force many to think twice about posting anything online, especially beating off lawsuit trolls without being independently wealthy like the tech multinationals. Of course eventually the whole mess would probably end up as a supreme court decision yet again on what is free speech.

Yes, interesting super blog platform this 'ghost' blogging platform.

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I paid a one year renewal to OK Doomer ($30) on July 30th this year. But it's not letting me login?

Why is that? So far I see all of the posts etc, but you replied to one of my comments (liminalgal) and it's not letting me reply to you. I am ok with migrating.

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so does that mean we have to pay to keep reading?

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023Author

No, the other site is free with optional subscribe to support, just like it is here.

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Aug 9, 2023Liked by Jessica Wildfire

Oh ok. I think one place is fine, 2 places are fine, I just am grateful for you.

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